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Curated journeys for your people, customized for your business.

BetterUp Connect™ creates high-performing teams by equipping managers with the skills that your business needs most.

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Design a path to
peak performance

You know your people better than anyone else. But unlocking performance potential to meet your business needs? That's a constantly evolving challenge. 

Introducing BetterUp Connect™. 

BetterUp Connect™ combines data from nearly 3 million coaching sessions, integrations with leading HCM providers, and AI to automatically identify milestone career moments for growth. It then creates structured, skills-based growth journeys for your managers – tailored to your business.

Meet BetterUp Connect™

Bite-sized plans, curated to boost the managerial skills that matter to your business.

Provide personalized development at scale with dynamic, business-aligned recommendations and AI-powered nudges for proactive and agile learning.
With a scalable, accessible approach, more of your people can benefit from curated, science-based learning journeys, on-demand support, and peer learning.
Deliver growth opportunities at the right time from data integrations with HCM providers, such as Workday and SAP.
Maximize growth with a science-backed approach that unlocks the potential and performance of your entire workforce.
Gain insight into what behaviors, mindsets, and skills are driving retention, promotions, and valuable performance metrics.

Transform challenges into opportunities

With powerful data integrations paired with targeted interventions, turn make-or-break moments — like these — into milestones.

Developing as first-time managers
Give your newest leaders the skills to focus on your highest priority initiatives.
Delivering tough feedback
Help your managers identify team members’ growth areas and communicate feedback effectively.
Leading in times of change
Empower your leaders to build resilient and agile teams amid uncertainty — keeping your people focused on key priorities.

Realize the performance potential of your teams

Realize the performance potential of your teams

  1. 1
    Integrate your systems to identify challenges

    BetterUp integrates seamlessly with your HCM to identify the key challenges that will drive the most impact for your business.

  1. 1
    Integrate your systems to identify challenges

    BetterUp integrates seamlessly with your HCM to identify the key challenges that will drive the most impact for your business.

  2. 2
    Provide curated growth journeys

    Based on your organization’s business priorities, BetterUp Connect™ provides personalized journeys for every user. From group coaching with peers and on-demand support to educational content and self-reflection assessments, users can learn through different interactions and growth experiences.

  3. 3
    Measure business impact

    BetterUp Connect™ measures progress to quantify the collective growth on science-backed dimensions of leader effectiveness. Real-time analytics allow you to measure and report on how behavior changes map to business outcomes.

  4. 4
    Boost engagement with AI

    AI allows us to boost engagement with personalized nudges and recommendations. As AI evolves, so does BetterUp – optimizing the potential within your workforce.

The ROI of BetterUp

Investing in your people's mindsets, behaviors, and skills drives outsized performance results.

Greater dividend yields
Greater return on assets
Greater YoY EPS
“What’s unique about BetterUp Connect is its ability to personalize at scale... Given the challenges managers face today, this kind of solution has arrived at the perfect time.”
Josh Bersin

Josh Bersin,
Chief Executive Officer,
The Josh Bersin Company
Read the full story here

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