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30 customer service review examples to develop your team

April 22, 2022 - 9 min read

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Customer service review examples for "you're doing great"

Customer service review examples for improving in certain areas 

Review examples to improve customer service skills

Happy employees, happy customers. At least, that's what they say. When it comes to providing stellar customer service, it's important to first examine your employees' experience.

At the heart of any thriving workforce is feedback. So, when it comes to empowering success with your customer-facing employees, feedback is critical

How are you investing in meeting your employees' needs? Are you providing opportunities for feedback? Are you actively listening to your employees? Do you use positive feedback as a form of employee recognition

We've compiled 29 examples that relate to not only customer service but also customer satisfaction, customer relations, customer management, customer focus, handling customers appropriately, and general customer skills. Try practicing some of these example phrases with your employees. 


Customer service review examples for "you're doing great"

  1. You’re a great team player and you constantly help others meet their customer requests. Well done!
  2. Your loyal customer base is outstanding. Customers often ask for you by name and you have a lot of repeat customers as a result. Great job!
  3. Clients constantly request you for advice to solve their problems. You’ve become quite the go-to person with our customers.
  4. You have no problem building rapport with everyone you come in contact work. This is a great customer service skill to possess.
  5. You’re really good at obtaining first-hand customer information and using this information to improve our products and services. You should show the rest of us how you go about obtaining this information.
  6. You’re really good at following up with the client so as to ensure that they are never left in the dark. Keep it up!
  7. You're really good at focusing on what customers need and require. You have a real instinct to understand our customers. Good work!
  8. You have the natural ability to understand and feel what your customers are experiencing, and you are able to meet their needs effectively. Well done!
  9. You excel at serving your customers. Great job!
  10. Even when customers are difficult, you still manage to give them feedback in a timely and constructive manner.
  11. As a customer service representative, you have to be able to handle criticisms, complaints, and special requests from time-to-time. You need to be able to handle these queries as customer retention is vital for our company to survive.

Customer service review examples for improving in certain areas 

  1. You tend to focus too much on internal operations and you let customer problems go unheard. You need to deal with customer problems in a timely and efficient manner.

  2. It is difficult to follow policies, practices, and processes as you make too many exceptions to customers. Try adopting a more hardline approach and make sure customers fall in line with what the policies are.

  3. You tend to be a little too defensive about our product and company. Remember the customer is always right. Try to listen to what they have to say.

  4. As you fall under the customer service department, it is really important that you get to know our customers. Try to get out more and get to know them.

  5. Try to make time to visit customers and get to know them. It goes a long way in building rapport with them and they’ll appreciate your effort.

  6. Customers often complain that you fail to follow up with them as promised. It is a good idea to stick to your promises. Try to under-promise and over-deliver.

  7. When you’re on the phone, try to get to know the customer as a whole person. This helps build rapport and you’ll understand your customer problems quicker.

  8. When products are updated, it is imperative that you understand the changes as quickly as possible so that you can answer any customer queries.
  9. While the customer is always right, sometimes they have the tendency to have unrealistic demands. Try to negotiate so you reach a middle ground.

Review examples to improve customer service skills

  1. Always try to exhibit creativity and flexibility in solving customers’ problems and questions.
  2. Remember to make the customer feel like a top priority. It’s important that their needs are met and they feel like they can provide honest and open constructive criticism.
  3. Try to be 100% committed to outstanding customer service. If you go above and beyond what the customer expects, you will be creating a good employer brand
  4. You need to be more transparent with company information. If a customer requests some information or some resources, don’t be afraid to share this with them.
  5. Try refrain from speaking poorly about our competition. It’s not respectful or progressive. Despite differences, we want to ensure everyone is treated with integrity. 
  6. Try to address problems as quickly as possible even if it’s a demanding customer.
  7. You need to aim at providing constructive and timely advice to our customers. They need to feel like they are understood.
  8. If there are pending delays, be proactive and inform your customers of these hold-ups.
  9. Remember to never be manipulative and unduly influential when a customer is trying to purchase a product. At the end of the day, it’s their choice whether they would like to purchase the product or not.
  10. Even if the customer is always right, never allow them to treat you badly and attack you personally. if you feel you are being mistreated, let your manager know. If you escalate the issue, the issue will be addressed in the appropriate manner. Psychological safety is important to prioritize, even in a customer relationship. 

If you're looking for ways to help boost your employees' customer service game, BetterUp can help. With virtual coaching, you can help your employees improve their communication, problem-solving, and relationship skills. Unlock the potential within your workforce with the power of personalized coaching

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Published April 22, 2022

Madeline Miles

Madeline is a writer, communicator, and storyteller who is passionate about using words to help drive positive change. She holds a bachelor's in English Creative Writing and Communication Studies and lives in Denver, Colorado. In her spare time, she's usually somewhere outside (preferably in the mountains) — and enjoys poetry and fiction.

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